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IngweNet© NPC



The best way to donate for the benefit of IngweNet© NPC and its beneficiaries is by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly from your banking account into the IngweNet© NPC banking account. Fewer bank charges are levied, giving more available financial resources for performing our work.


EFT donations can be made from anywhere in the world, using the SWIFT or Sort Codes.

To cover banking charges in South Africa, we do request a minimum donation:

     South African Rands - R100.00;

     USD $5.00;

     GBP £5.00;

     Euro €5.00;

     or equivalent in other currencies.


IngweNet© NPC is the legal "Trading As" name, but the banking account is under the REGISTERED NAME of the Non Profit Company (NPC) with the South African Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC).

This is due to our IngweNet© name being registered with CIPC by a known third party, who never used it or traded with the name. The name is in the process of DEREGISTRATION at CIPC, whereafter we will apply for a name change back to IngweNet© NPC.

The Registered Name of the NPC at CIPC is K2021639764 (SOUTH AFRICA) NPC, and its official Registration Number is 2021/639764/08.



Bank:                     FNB (FIRST NATIONAL BANK) South Africa

Account Name:          K2021639764 (SOUTH AFRICA) NPC

Account Number:          62901099516

Branch Code:          250655

Account Type: GOLD Business Account




SWIFT Code:          FIRN2AJJXXX

Sort Code:             250655

This account is monitored for illegal activity by our bank's Anti-Fraud and Corruption Division, and is a part of a triple audit process.



More information regarding a donation directly into the Non Profit Company's Banking Account can be requested from the Founder and Executive Directorby email at:


A PayPal account, supported by the Non Profit Company's Bank, and linked officially to the Non Profit Company's registered banking account, has been set up to make donating more seamless.


Click on the "Donate" button below.....

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
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