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IngweNet© NPC

Currently IngweNet© NPC has three active initiatives.


The major initiative, which supports the two other initiatives, is the establishment of the IngweNet© Academy for Sustainable Holistic Living (which includes the foundational aspect of Sustainable Holistic Agriculture based on low cost-input organic-based modalities that provide the most nutritious, healthy foods).

In the foundation courses, the Academy trains TRAINERS who will mentor passionate and willing people  at community level to produce their own nutritional foods for both their own consumption, and to sell surpluses as a home-based entrepreneurial business in a process creating strong local economies.

Details of the Academy may be accessed here.



The second initiative that IngweNet© NPC has launched is the  IngweNet© SAFETY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE Initiative that has two parts - one covers the Safety and Emergency Response aspect for ANYONE, ANYWHERE in South Africa, and the other concentrates on playing a small part to help reduce FARM  ATTACKS  and Agri-/Rural-Crime (including POACHING and ILLEGAL DOG HUNTING), by introducing it's IngweNet© FARM  &  RURAL  SAFETY  Initiative. Both initiatives have been developed together out of a Disaster Management system for towns and rural areas over a period of nearly 40 years, to help South Africans of all cultural groups be sustainable at national, regional, and community levels.

This initiative goes far beyond the "security" aspect, and addresses all areas of safety, in a comprehensive "Disaster Prevention and Management" approach, incorporating new technologies that enable a cutting-edge Emergency Response facility.

Details of the IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiatives may be accessed here.

The third Initiative is the IngweNet© NPC's KZN FOOD AID FUND, which was launched during the 2021 KZN riots, and fed 30 families in the Compensation area of Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), and a further 10 families in the Lions River area near Howick, in the KZN Midlands.

This initiative is dormant at present, but beneficiaries that received the food parcel are due to be helped under the IngweNet© Academy for Sustainable Holistic Agriculture program, mentored by the trained Trainers to produce their own food sustainably, and potentially open their own entrepreneurial business through the sale of their surpluses.

Details of the IngweNet© NPC's KZN FOOD AID FUND may be accessed here.



However, bearing in mind that ALL facets of community life are interlinked, IngweNet© NPC also helps communities in a holistic approach, to address areas of need in EVERY FACET of community life, as our slogan says, from pre-natal until post death.


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