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IngweNet© NPC



Although IngweNet© NPC is a registered Non Profit Company akin to a CHARITY, with facilities to accept donations from anywhere in the world, unlike normal charities, IngweNet© NPC has a long-term plan that enables it to generate its own revenue in time, which then removes the need for constantly requesting donations.

This plan involves the beneficiary community members becoming sustainable small entrepreneurial businesses that contribute back into the sustainability of IngweNet© NPC, which will be their perpetual (lifetime) mentorship and support organisation.

However, to reach that stage, IngweNet© NPC needs to request the community at large to assist in raising the necessary short-term seed funds, either through a once-off donation or a monthly donation for approximately 3 to 6 months, in order to launch its initiatives.

The Directors of IngweNet© NPC have, from their own pockets, already contributed a sum of nearly R9 million ( approximately US$475,000.00, GB£380,000.00, or €440,000 at current exchange rates) in the process of funding monthly administration costs, developing the initiatives, searching for a suitable property, and following investment processes.


All initiatives fall under the IngweNet© NPC, the current initiative being the  Academy for Sustainable Holistic (Organic) Agriculture and Sustainable Community Living, which will result in the community level alleviation of poverty, family and community food security, entrepreneurship, downstream entrepreneurial opportunities, and the eventual decrease in petty crime (allowing the Policing Services to spend more time on organized and serious criminal cases).

IngweNet© NPC and its strategic partners firmly believe that these initiatives will be a vital contributing factor to South and Southern Africa, and eventually in other regions of the world, achieving sustainable and viable communities contributing to local, regional, provincial (state/federation), and national economic stability.

No donations are used for salaries or wages, but are directed into the administration  needs of IngweNet© NPC.

The different WAYS TO DONATE are found on the "DONATE" drop-down menu, or using the button below:

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