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IngweNet© NPC



The IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative has been developed by the IngweNet© NPC’s Executive Director since the early 1980’s, and run actively since 2004. Currently it is formulated to primarily act as a development, coordination, advisory, and training service to ANYONE living in South Africa. The Founder and Executive Director of IngweNet© NPC, Honorary Dr Wayne “Ingwe” Lourens has in-depth experience in Safety and Emergency Response, and has a Local Government management background, including in the Disaster Management sphere.

The need for a new approach to Safety and Emergency Response arises every few years, due to a growing criminal element selecting to prey on “soft” targets, both in urban and rural areas, along with the “official” response services being hamstrung by a lack of resources and motivation.

The IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative goes beyond the concept of “security”, in that it assists with preparing for and implementing IMMEDIATE responses to any form of emergency or safety issue experienced by its Subscribers – a form of “Disaster Prevention and Management” that helps with prevention and immediate relief measures under any circumstances, until such time as the professional services can get on-site.

The delay in the response time by the “official” safety and security providers is of major concern at any time, with the escalation of incidents seriously impacting the national economy, the most concerning being the loss of lives and belongings, and damage to property.

Therefore, securing the future of the South African economy and its brains-trust – the productive employers and employees – is of paramount importance.

The knock-on effect of crime and emergency incidents of any type needs to be reduced as a matter of urgency, to allow the country’s economy to recover and grow.

To achieve this as a stand-alone individual, family, or business is extremely difficult, and law-abiding residents concentrating on their core business quite frankly just do not have the time to set up or administer any type of community project outside of their own business.

Recent developments now allow private NGO’s to operate in the field of Safety and Security as a type of Community Policing organisation, under a Provincial Safety and Security authority, as the previously-established Community Policing Forums (CPF’s) have proven themselves incapable of IMPLEMENTING any action plans, particularly in smaller towns and rural areas, due to the lack of resources.

Redirecting taxpayers money into privatised essential services to avoid paying twice for failed municipal services, is now also becoming a reality, and IngweNet© NPC has included this development option.

IngweNet© NPC has partnered with NGO’s and Community Action Groups to PHYSICALLY and progressively roll out the IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative throughout Southern Africa, to add value to existing structures and develop new ones in areas that lack them.

The IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative, developed over a period of 40 years and along with its strategic partners, provides a comprehensive community “safety net” – from preventative measures to long-term socio-economic development strategies.



IngweNet© NPC’s principal Strategic Partner is the TrackBox Group which already supports over 1.5 million subscribers throughout South Africa, and by combining our complimentary services, IngweNet© NPC and TrackBox together can provide comprehensive Safety and Emergency Response services ANYWHERE, ANYTIME in South Africa, in Town and Country.

TrackBox provides IngweNet© NPC with our very own Mobile Phone (Cellphone) App, the IngweNet© NPC Emergency Response and Prevention Centre (ERPC)  App, linking our subscribers to the TrackBox Response Centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year, wherever they may live, work, or travel to in South Africa. TrackBox links with over 1,000 Emergency Services throughout South Africa, and also has facilities to assist subscribers travelling to other countries.

The IngweNet© NPC Safety and Emergency Response cellphone app looks like this on your phone:


With this pivotal service providing the front-end service to the IngweNet© NPC Safety and Emergency Response Initiative, IngweNet© NPC can add value by providing  back-end community assistance facilities and downstream programs on either side of TrackBox's services, to create the the most comprehensive support structure needed in these times.

Existing TrackBox subscribers benefit from the added services that IngweNet© NPC provides, and IngweNet© NPC Subscribers are encouraged to also subscribe to TrackBox in order to have the maximum Safety and Emergency Response service  benefits provided jointly by the partners.

The IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative structure goes BEYOND the normal Farm Watch / Neighbourhood Watch / Private Security / CPF concepts, and is also intended to engage with SAPS structures to streamline and create a more friendly service when reporting criminal incidents and laying charges, and providing community assistance on-site where required.

The community plays a pivotal role in the IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative, participating where they are able with active help, and/or administration, and/or community involvement, and/or financial assistance.

Community (neighbours) in effect become the “first respondents” with assistance to anyone who has a emergency or safety issue. This is backed up by security companies operating in the area, jointly. It is a principle in the IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative that security companies should support each others’ clients, with the closest response team being backed up by any other teams in the area also. Fast-response emergency medical personnel are also a part of the area safety plan.

All respondents are trained in the legal aspects and requirements for each type of response situation. The community and security companies DO NOT replace the SAPS, but need to work under the guidelines set out by the SAPS for responses, especially for criminal activities (including illegal poaching and dog hunting).

It is one of the IngweNet© Safety and Emergency Response Initiative’s main goals to ENSURE that there is a rapid SAPS response to any criminal action in any area, in town or country. Strategies for this have been formulated, and will be presented to the SAPS Senior Officers and the Minister in due course, when there is a sufficient groundswell of public support from communities of ALL cultural groups to cause the “top brass” to sit up and take notice.

Residents of any local area that wishes to be proactive in securing their own safety can be given training on demand, either on an individual basis or a group basis.

This can initially be in the form of 1-day Seminars or Workshops, using multi-media audio-visual aids, by arrangement. Facilities for such Seminars or Workshops are available in the KZN Midlands, including accommodation for those from far afield, for groups from 20 to 50 persons. Presenters will travel to your area also, by arrangement.

IngweNet© NPC is in the process of raising funds in order to establish a TRAINING CENTRE for the KZN Midlands, to be followed by others on an ad hoc basis in other regions of South Africa. These Centres will each be a multi-functional facility, with an emphasis on the training of any committed person or group from that region in PREVENTATIVE Safety and Emergency Response.

IngweNet© NPC also provides ADVISORY services to its Subscribers, helping them to best formulate emergency contingency plans for their homes and businesses, and resource management in the event of any form of emergency or “disaster”, whether natural, criminal, or otherwise man-made.

In the future, IngweNet© NPC will address the issue of job creation at community level, with Food Security as the starting point leading to downstream processing industries and support services all generating a vibrant local economy. This and IngweNet© NPC’s plan to address socio-economic issues will ultimately reduce petty crime and the burden it places on the judicial system.

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