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The IngweNet© Farm and Rural Safety Program


  1. Vision: To play a small part in conjunction with other stakeholders and strategic partners in reducing the number of farm and rural attacks on innocent and law-abiding citizens (predominantly by pre-emptive methods), and to provide support services, including liaison support and dispatch of competent medical personnel where needed, in the event of any natural, criminal, or other man-made event.

  2. Mission Statement: To empower any person and family who has the desire to have access to the combined infrastructure and knowledge of the IngweNet© Management Team, in order to benefit through a combination of education and practical, innovative, working models and support structures, within their cultural choices and at individual, family, and community levels.

  3. Objectives: To establish and develop a unique sustainable Development, Coordination, Advisory, and Support Service with perpetual mentorship, supporting farmers and rural residents through the promotion and impartation of information and practical solutions.

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