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IngweNet© NPC

It has long been the vision of IngweNet© NPC's Founder and Executive Director, Honorary Dr Wayne "Ingwe" Lourens, to establish a Training Centre to spread the extensive practical knowledges and experiences that he has accumulated over the past few decades, to the advantage of many more beneficiaries than the almost four million mainly rural Southern Africans who have already been impacted by the former IngweNet© People Empowerment and Sustainable Community Development Trust that Hon Dr Lourens established in 1996 and which ran until 2011, when a community development project that he was asked to engage in contractually forced him to shut down the Trust.

During the tenure of the IngweNet© People Empowerment and Sustainable Community Development Trust, and subsequently, Hon Dr Lourens has had a number of highly-competent people align with him and his vision, and many have become strategic partners. Hon Dr Lourens has also held high-level positions of responsibility in established organisations in Southern Africa, in the fields of agriculture, entrepreneurship, and community development.

The vision of the Academy for Sustainable Holistic Living is becoming a reality, as a result of recent contracts on a variety of farms, that highlighted the total lack of farming knowledge in supposedly-experienced farm managers and owners.

Due to the pressing need for this knowledge to be passed on, and the fact that potential students are asking to be a part of the Experiential Learnership program, Hon Dr Lourens has taken a leap of faith in taking an option on the first property on which to begin the training of Trainers in Sustainable Holistic Living - beginning with Permaculture / Organic Agriculture (Food Security) - in conjunction with new strategic partners.

Coupled to this are the recent high-profile announcements of the scarcity of foods in the near future, one of which was that of Dr Imitaz Sooliman (Founder of the "Gift of the Givers" charity), who warned that, very soon, only those that were growing their own food would still be able to eat.

This is already becoming a reality in the Northern Hemisphere, where supermarkets in European countries (especially Holland), the UK, and the USA are RATIONING certain foods...... the rest of the world will not be long in following suit.

And in South Africa, an influential player in the investment brokerage field has encouraged those looking for future returns to "sow into agriculture" - even though growth may be small, it is potentially the most stable investment platform for the future.

IngweNet© NPC is now in the process of linking with various funding agencies, and has established advanced negotiations to raise additional funds through grants, donations, loans, and especially investments, both from within South Africa and internationally, in order to achieve its long-term aims and objectives….. however, this process is both costly AND of medium- to long-term duration, and therefore YOUR support would be very much appreciated and valued in the short-term.

Please continue to spread the word, and encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances wherever they are in the world, to consider giving this project material support….. even the smallest donation will make a difference.




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