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IngweNet© NPC Permaculture and Organic Eco-Growing Systems

The concept of Food Security is multifaceted......

IngweNet© NPC addresses every facet of this subject, from the sustainable home garden using specifically-designed "Permaculture" and Organic "Eco-Growing" Systems, to the protection of rural growers' production, to the sustainability of commercial farmers.

Every facet of Food Security is embodied within the IngweNet© NPC Sustainable Holistic Agriculture and Sustainable Community Living Program, and yet transcends that Program to be essential models in their own right.

Within the IngweNet© NPC Sustainable Holistic Agriculture and Sustainable Community Living Program, Food Security entails a series of sustainable "Eco-Growing" methods that are taught at the IngweNet© Academy for Sustainable Holistic Agriculture and Sustainable Community Living, and in future regional Training Centres, specifically as theory AND practical sessions to "Community Trainers / Mentors", who will also impart the knowledge in a purely practical course to community growers aligning with IngweNet© NPC.

To this end, IngweNet© NPC has partnered with Umgibe Farming Organics and Training Centre, sharing the training methods for the benefit of communities.

IngweNet© NPC's proprietary "IngweNet© Sustainable Eco-Growing "Permaculture" Systems" Trainers Course is in the process of being accredited with the Agri-SETA, by the Umgibe Farming Organics and Training Centre.

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