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IngweNet Academy for Sustainable Holistic Agriculture and Sustainable Community Living

The time has come, said the [Leopard, aka Ingwe], to speak of many things....... (with heartfelt apologies to Lewis Carrol).


Time for a BLOG, one which speaks of truths and dares, life and living, and what the future may hold, if we hold the future.

So, you are invited to come along for the journey, hopefully be entertained, probably be genuinely challenged, but in all respects, to be MOTIVATED that the future we hold and can manifest, is one of personal, corporate, and social (community) benefit.

It is said, and I personally believe, that there is no such thing as being self-sustainable..... we all need a like-minded COMMUNITY around us, and therefore SUSTAINABILITY is a COMMUNITY action.

This Blog will discuss various aspects of SUSTAINABILITY, impacting every facet of community life, from pre-natal to post-death.

You are thus cordially invited to subscribe to this journey, and I sincerely trust that you will accept this invitation, and action it by promoting it far and wide, by SHARING and LIKING on all social media platforms on which you participate.

Our intention is to action all that we are able, progressively.

Please join us here -

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